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Pyrosequencing (Self-Service by instrument usage)
Pyrosequencing Reaction Cascade System (video)
- The PyroMark Q48 is an automated robotic workstation for a variety of genetic and epigenetic application.
- This instrument is available for the Iowa NeuroBank Core users on a full-user self-service basis.
- Pyrosequencing has several unique features, including 1) sequencing-by-synthesis methods, 2) single-base specificity throughout the genome for lower costs than traditional or targeted sequencing, and 3) advanced software support in designing primers and analyzing the data.
- Relying on the detection of pyrophosphate release and the generation of light on nucleotide incorporation, PyroMark Q48 is the gold standard method for advanced DNA methylation, mutation, and SNP quantification.
Sample Requirements:
- Bisulfite conversion: 500 ng of genomic DNA (a minimum of 100ng)
- Pyrosequencing (methylation analysis): 40 ng at 5 ng/ul to 10 ng/µl of bisulfite converted DNA per amplicon.
- Pyrosequencing (SNP analysis, mutation detection, sequencing): 40 ng at 5 ng/µl to 10 ng/µl per amplicon.
DNA Isolation and Bisulfite Conversion Service:
Type of accepted samples: whole blood, plasma, tissue, FFPE samples, and more.
How do I get started?
Please email Queena Lin at for more information.